We have various projects and resources at Paran resource and knowledge Centre.These activities mainly aim at empowering women economically and also involve youth and men in observing enviromental conservation measures

We have a confrence hall which can accomodate a good number of congregation.The hall has played a great roleby providing an enabling enviroment to train women,girls and youths from the area.

Paran Indigenous Women celebration international Women’s day.Agents of their society joined them.Their main aim is t bring economic change.They are also advocationg on ending FGM and other harmful cultural practices.

Paran Women group had a training on indigenous women rights,land rights and Leadership.During the taining,the women shared their testimonial on how women are now in a position to beleaders and even fight fo their land rights since they have knowledge on these isssues

An exchange program between Paran Women and CECOME organization was held to talk about Gender Based Violence,FGM and Networking.

Paran Women also train Girls on issues such as harmful cultural practices,education issues,drug abuse,health issues,peer pressure and poverty

Paran centre hold workshops form women to train them on income generatinf activities

The exchange visits allows the women to learn more on economic and social issues

Ololulunga Primary School
Paran distributing dignity kits to ololulunga primary together with red cross

Rural Women Celebration
Paran women groups and naramum women sharing traditional knowledges on how to eradicate gender based violence, adaptation on climate change,group management and income generating activities to continue their livelihoods.#ClimateAction #ruralempowerment #hervoice #CleanerEnergy
International Women's Day2020
Paran Indigenous Women celebrating international Women’s day.Agents of their society joined them.Their main aim is t bring economic change.They are also advocationg on ending FGM and other harmful cultural practices.

16 days of Activism
Paran women organization together with all her members at the grass root level are taking this opportunity of these 16 days of activism against gender based violence to educate indigenousgirls on gender based violence and other issues such as FGM,right to education and Forced/early marriages.

International Women’s Day celebrations 2022
Indigenous women from Narok(Ololulunga and kilgoris),Samburu,Marsabit and west pokot gathered together to celebrate the women’s day.

Stockholm@50 international meeting.
Paran women chair represented the Indigenous paran women at Stockholm@50 meeting.She was priviledged to interract with Indigenous peoples from all over the world.In the photo is her with FIMI president and Indigenous People’s special rapporteur.

Climate Change
Community dilogues on adaptation and mitigation measures on climate change

Paran women doing sustainable agriculture to ensure food security #climatechange.