Welcome to Paran Resource and Knowledge Centre
Paran Women Group
About Us
Paran Women Group is an Indigenous women group collective passionate about long-term solutions and ripple-effect project results . It was formed by indigenous women as a Community Based organization (CBO) and was legally registered in July 2005. Paran is located in Ololunga, Narok south sub county in Narok County a village that inhabited by a population of approximately 60,000 residents of which its membership of 3817 spans among the indigenous women and youth hail from.

What we do

Paran women doing sustainable agriculture to ensure food security #climatechange.

This is a major source of income to the women at the centre.We bead the coomon maasai designs

Enviromental Conservation
We observe the conservation of enviroment and biodiversity majorly by planting treess and educating both young and old people on the importance of biodiversity.
Mazungumzo kuhusu mabadiliko ya hali ya anga yanapoendelea kwenye mkutano wa kimataifa wa COP28 mjini Dubai, siku maalum imetengwa kuangazia jukumu la kijinsia katika kudhibiti athari za mabadiliko ya tabianchi. Katika siku hii, kundi la kina mama la Paran kutoka kaunti ya Narok hapa Kenya ni miongoni mwa waliotambuliwa kwa tuzo ya kipekee barani Afrika kwa juhudi zao za kulinda mazingira kutumia miti ya kiasili. Susan Ndunda alikutana nao hapa nchini na jijini Dubai na kuandaa taarifa ifuatayo.
News by Citizen Tv Kenya
Paran Women’s group win climate award in COP28 for practicing climate smart agriculture.
Video by Nation
Here is some pertinent work by Paran Women’s Group- They seek to amplify the voices of women ad girls in the pastoral region. The project Action for strengthening women groups and communities in promoting women’s rights in Ololunga Narok County will enhance women’s participation in decision-making on matters that affect their day-to-day life.
Video Credits :Care Kenya Youtube Channel
International Women’s Day Celebration 2022.
Indigenous Women from Samburu,Narok,Marsabit and Westpokot gathered together at Naramam Resource and knowledge centre to celebrate the event.Under the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”,Indigenous women were able to be educated on so many issues.
Women groups from Narok South have joined hands in efforts to conserve the environment and address issues of climate change. The women say they were worst hit by the scarcity of rain caused by deforestation activities in the Mau Forest which forced them to walk several kilometers in search of water. Under the umbrella of Paran Women Groups, they have pledged to change the narrative.
News by KBC
Paran Women Group: Conservationists with a passion for gender equality
16Daysof Activism 2022
Violence against women and girls is a common issue in our communities.We believe that if we #UNITE! we can easily end this issue and every woman will enjoy her rights.
Our Patners
Welcome to Paran Center
- +254721462447